Treating dental problems with laser gives less discomfort and more accuracy as compared to drill and fill procedures. The use of laser in dentistry is quite expectant as Laser dentistry is of no comparison in treating dental problems. Lasers cannot be used in every dental condition, but they can be used in treating tooth decay and gum diseases.

What is laser dentistry?

The use of lasers for treating various kinds of dental conditions is known as laser dentistry. It provides treatments with less possible discomfort and more satisfactory results. Treatments that were painful in the past, with the help of laser dentistry, causes very little pain or no pain at all. No loud and vibrating drills are used in laser dentistry and chances of complications during treatment are significantly reduced. Different people have different levels of pain tolerance, yet everyone finds laser dentistry to be comfortable.

In what conditions laser dentistry can be used?

Laser dentistry cannot be used in every dental condition but can be of great use in many of them. With laser dentistry:

  • Removal of small amounts of enamel can be done.
  • Gum tissues can be reshaped
  • The removal of gum and bone tissues becomes easier.
  • Eroded fillings can be overhauled.
  • Impacted gum tissues can be removed.
  • Teeth whitening procedures can be performed with accuracy.
  • Small pieces of tissues can be removed for cancer examination.
  • Bacteria can be removed from gums successfully.
  • Hypersensitivity can be treated.
  • Tooth decay can be removed without damaging a healthier part.
  • Cavity treatments can be performed.
  • Gummy smiles can be treated.
  • Tongue frenulum can be treated.

Advantages of dental lasers:

  • Painless procedure:

One of the best things about laser dentistry is that it causes less pain, or no pain as compared to the traditional methods of treating dental conditions. Due to this main reason people find laser dentistry more comfortable than any other dental procedure.

  • No sutures required:

In laser dentistry, only lasers are used for dealing with dental complications making no cuts. Which means no stitches are needed.

  • No anesthesia needed:

Because lasers provide painless treatment, there is no such need for anesthesia to remove dental decay or numb the area to be treated.

  • No overheating:

Lasers are combined with water which is the reason no overheating of tissues or nerves is needed.

  • Error-free:

Lasers are very accurate and do not damage any healthier part of the tooth, preserving the most natural tooth material.

  • Less bleeding:

The amount of blood loss is controlled in laser dental procedures. As laser endorses blood clotting, bleeding is diminished while treating gum tissues. These laser beams keep bleeding to a minimum level, and following the process minimizes swelling as well.

  • Less damage to neighboring tissues:

Precise laser beams are used for treating gum diseases or tooth decay-causing no damage to neighboring tissues. Killing only the harmful bacteria and removing what is needed to be removed.

  • Reduces dental trauma:

Many people are afraid of visiting a dentist because of drills and vibrations. However, laser dentistry needs no drills and causes no vibrations, making it a comfortable procedure for people with dental anxiety.

  • Quick recovery:

No such complicated dental instruments are used in laser dentistry. The healing time is comparatively faster as lasers are not that painful, and no anesthesia is required to perform laser treatments.

  • Rare chances of infection:

The laser beams also sterilize the treated area when a dental problem is served with lasers. So, the chances of an infection to occur are very rare.

Are you looking for laser dentistry in San Diego? Then Orange family dental is the right place for you with best professionals in laser dentistry, serving patients with utter satisfaction. 

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